“An image in the style of J.M.W. Turner depicting a European cryptography conference in Zurich” by DALL-E 3.
SandboxAQ @ Eurocrypt 2024
Next week Eurocrypt takes place in Zurich, Switzerland. Eurocrypt is the flagship cryptography conference in Europe and the sister conference of CRYPTO (North America) and Asiacrypt.
SandboxAQ will have a strong presence at Eurocrypt, come chat to us if you’re there. In particular, we are involved in the following four presentations.
On Monday 27 May, Anand will present “Algorithms for Matrix Code and Alternating Trilinear Form Equivalences via new Isomorphism Invariants” which is joint work with Youming Qiao and Gang Tang from the University of Technology in Sydney.
At a high-level this work is a refined cryptanalysis of some signature schemes (MEDS, ALTEQ, etc.) submitted to the ongoing NIST call for post-quantum signature scheme. In particular, the newly devised algorithms target the tensor/trilinear form isomorphism problem underlying these schemes and suggest a necessary revision of parameters for one of these candidates, namely MEDS. As such the result highlights the value of the NIST PQC processes where researchers collectively scrutinize the security of the submitted candidates.
On Wednesday 29 May, Giacomo, one of Martin’s co-authors, will present “SLAP: Succinct Lattice-Based Polynomial Commitments from Standard Assumptions” which is joint work with Giacomo Fenzi (EPFL), Oleksandra Lapiha (Royal Holloway, University of London) and Ngoc Khanh Nguyen (King’s College London). This work is concerned with building more efficient succinct post-quantum proof systems. These proof systems allow one party to convince another party that a certain statement is true in a bandwidth efficient manner, i.e. without simply sending over all the supporting evidence. In particular, “SLAP” is the “first lattice-based non-interactive extractable polynomial commitment scheme which achieves polylogarithmic proof size and verifier runtime in the length of the committed message”, which is a long-winded way of saying it is efficient in a theoretical sense.
On Monday 27 May, Amit, one of Martin’s co-authors, will present “Crypto Dark Matter on the Torus: Oblivious PRFs From Shallow PRFs and TFHE” which is joint work with Alex Davidson (NOVA LINCS & DI, FCT, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa), Amit Deo (Zama) and Daniel Gardham (University of Surrey). This work constructs a post-quantum “oblivious PRF” (OPRF). OPRFs are useful to build all kinds of privacy and security protocols such as anonymous authentication tokens or private contact discovery on chat platforms. Efficient OPRFs are well-known from pre-quantum assumptions, but research into efficient post-quantum constructions is still ongoing.
You will also be able to catch Martin present the Artifact Review Process. Recognizing the increasing reliance of research on code artifacts, Eurocrypt is the first cryptographic flagship conference that invited the authors of accepted papers to submit their research code for archiving. Martin will tell you all about this process in his presentation on Wednesday evening during the Rump Session.