Engineering tech blog from SandboxAQ.

Unleashing the Other Side of Language Models: Exploring Adversarial Attacks on ChatGPT

This article provides an overview of the current state of large multimodal language models and their safety and privacy concerns.
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Number Theoretic Transform - A Gentle Introduction: Part I

In this blog post, we will take a look at polynomial multiplication and view it from the perspective of convolutions. This sets the stage for why we need NTT.
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Keep Calm and Carry On: the recent side-channel attacks on Kyber

This post covers recent research results on side-channel attacks on Kyber, a post-quantum cryptography cryptosystem.
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When Crypto-agility Meets Cybersecurity: Challenges and Opportunities

In this post, we delve a bit more into the relationship between crypto-agility and cybersecurity.
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Adventures in PQC: Exploring Kyber in Python - Part I

In this blog post, we are going to go through some of the fundamentals of Module LWE, and build up KYBER from scratch step-by-step.
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Is FIDO2 Ready for the Quantum Era?

This post will explain recent research results about whether the de facto standard for passwordless authentication, called the FIDO2 protocol, is 'quantum-ready'.
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Lighting the Signal

In this post we will explain the core idea behind a recently published attack against one kind of key exchange protocol. Specifically, we will discuss "signal leakage attacks" against key exchange protocols, which are based on the Learning with Errors (LWE) problem under "key re-use".
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Recent Updates in PQC and Why We Should Learn to Love Cryptanalysis

This year, some of the most notable and groundbreaking cryptanalysis attacks were made public. In this post we delve a bit more into the main takeaways of these cryptanalysis results.
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