Engineering tech blog from SandboxAQ.

Fully Homomorphic Encryption: Introduction and Use-Cases

This blog is an introduction to FHE. Rather than diving into mathematical details, we aim to provide to the reader a higher level overview of what FHE can be used for, and the different scenarios or setups that leverage FHE.
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All the Things PQ – End-to-End PQ-Secure Fido2 Protocol

This post introduces the first end-to-end post-quantum secure implementation of the FIDO2 protocol, which we have recently open-sourced.
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When AI meets Cybersecurity

This article provides an overview the intersection of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, which has led to a new era of both promise and peril.
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Three is a shroud! Post-quantum signatures from trilinear forms

We sketch the main ideas behind the ALTEQ post-quantum signature scheme in this blogpost, assuming not much more from the reader than knowledge of elementary linear algebra.
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Sandwich: An Open-Source Modern Cryptography Library

This blogpost announces and describes the first release of Sandwich, our open-source cryptography library aimed to bring modern cryptography and enable crypto-agility to the open-source community.
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MITRE and SandboxAQ Host First-Ever Real World PQC Workshop

Expand to watch the recording of the workshop.
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Number Theoretic Transform - A Gentle Introduction: Part II

In this blog post, we will take a deep dive into the construction of NTT, and how it speeds up polynomial multiplication.
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Batch Me if You Can

This blogpost describes the idea for batch signing, an idea started in 2019 at the IETF, which we revisit for use with post-quantum signature schemes.
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Hypercube Digital Signatures

This blogpost describes Hypercube-SDitH (Syndrome Decoding in the Head), a new code-based signature that significantly improves upon previously known works.
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TurboTLS: TLS connection establishment with 1 less round trip

In a recent paper we proposed TurboTLS, a simple modification of the TLS protocol, using client-based UDP fragmentation to exchange the Client Hello and Server Hello messages of a TLS connection.
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